praying for patience

with a wonderful husband, three amazing kids and a full time job, i continue to pray for patience as i balance all that life has to offer while focusing on those special moments that fill my heart

Saturday, November 21, 2009


multitasking is the art of doing many tasks at the same time. this is something i do not do well. i tend to multiworry very well though and i am proud to say that i do know all the things that need to be done. my problem usually begins with a single task like straightening the living room, which takes me to the kids room to put away a toy. 2 hours later i have somehow decided to alphabetize the kids books and rearrange the closet. this of course causes more of a mess from pulling everything out to make a clean start. finding a sippy cup takes me back down to the kitchen where i begin to tidy up, and now i've found myself searching the cupboards for a snack.

seriously, sometimes a little slap in the face might get me back on track, but not for long. so now i'm thinking maybe i'm a "one task at a time" kind of girl. this will give me focus, right? i will not move until the project/task/goal is completed. nothing will stop me and life will run smooth. laundry day! five clean loads to fold and seven dirty ones to wash, dry, fold & put away. the kids won't be fed, changed or bathed, but as GOD as my witness....the laundry will be done!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha, ha! I am sooo glad that I am not the only one with this problem! Maybe that's why we get along so well. I've started creating zones 1-10, and I have to finish #1 before doing ANYTHING to #2-#10. It has helped tremendously. Give it a try.
